Ancient Knowledge, Modern Science & Quantum Healing
Despite the fact that our senses tell us that we live in a world of solid objects and matter, modern science is confirming what the mystics have known for thousands of years. Everything in the universe, including us, is made up of energy, which vibrates at different frequencies. Einstein’s equation E = mc2 (energy = matter x the speed of light squared) stated that matter and energy are two forms of the same thing; they have equal energy value. Solid matter is just energy trapped in a phase state as either gas, liquid or solid and vibrating at a lower frequency. What we can see and prove with our senses is only one-billionth part of reality – and we tend to ignore the rest.
Energy medicine accepts this invisible energy force and realises that it is both the problem (when there is an energy blockage in the system) and the cure itself (the release of the blockage so energy flows once more). It is a question of balance.
It is heartening to see that a growing number of doctors are enforcing what the holistic healing professions have always believed: that your mind, emotions and body are one inter-connected energy system. As Dr Larry Dossey (2002) points out:
“If modern medicine is to be a healing art, it must embrace three ideas it has too long ignored. It must address not only our bodies but our minds and spirits as well; it must deal not only with the mechanism of illness but with its meaning; and it must recognise that our power to heal and to be healed extends beyond our physical body”.
William A Tiller, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Material Science and Engineering at Stanford University agrees when he states: “future medicine will be based on controlling energy frequencies in the body”. On the same lines, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, MD, (Nobel Prize Laureate, 1937, Hungary) went further when he said, “treating humans without the concept of energy is treating dead matter”.
Every cell of our body “hums” at a particular energetic frequency. Together the cells, organs and systems of our bodies are vibrating at a specific energetic frequency in harmony with each other. They are like different musical instruments in an orchestra that harmonise to play our own distinct tune. We are either “humming in-tune” or we are “humming off-key” – and we certainly can sense the difference on some level.
Every experience in our lives is actually neutral. It is our perception of that event, and our emotional reaction to it, that is important, not the event itself. Our memories are positively or negatively charged depending on the feelings that arise in response to the event. Not many people realise that these memories, are stored not only in the brain but also deep within the physical body at a cellular level. The ground-breaking research of the neuroscientist, Candace Pert, has shown (1997) that the neurotransmitters that we think with are found in and around every cell of the body. How we think is the environment for our cells. How we think is actually what we become in our biology and in our lives.
The energy flowing in our bodies is like water flowing in a river. Where our emotional reaction to an event has been negative, it forms a resistance to this flow of energy. It is like a boulder in the river that causes the water to flow around it.
This lowers the body’s vibrational frequency, centred on the area of the body where the emotional charge is stored and this can eventually cause physical and mental illness.
The cell biologist, Bruce Lipton’s pioneering research into our cells (2005) reveals that the cell has a memory that holds patterns which keep repeating over time, like ripples from an initial stone thrown into a pond. Every time a similar event (to the initial one) happens we have the same knee jerk reaction. However, although we will always remember the original event, the Life Alignment process unravels the associated negative charge and frees us from this repetition of negativity. In other words we can remember the event without the associated negative charge. The boulder is dissolved; the river flows freely again.
On the other hand, experiences that we respond to with positive feelings have the power to expand our being and promote health and wellbeing; they ensure the free flow of energy around the system.
The area of the body where the memory is stored very often relates to the emotional content of the memory itself. Certain emotions gravitate through their vibration to the organs and energy system to which they most closely correspond. In other words, illnesses or symptoms often have a symbolic relationship to emotional trauma because the language of the sub-conscious mind is the language of metaphor and images. For instance, at its most basic equivalence, kidneys are known to store fear; the liver holds onto anger, while resentment and grief gravitate to the lungs.
In the west we are culturally brought up to believe that we have a physical body and that we also have a spiritual soul. However both science and medicine, until now, have focused only on physical matter that can be quantified and measured. Emerging new scientific research shows that the reality is somewhat different – we are actually multi-dimensional beings with several other subtle energy bodies which include the etheric, emotional, mental and higher spiritual bodies.
The physical body has the lowest vibrational frequency; our other energy bodies both infuse and envelop us in ever-higher frequencies as they spread away from the physical body. These subtle bodies make up what is known as our aura, our electro-magnetic field, and even though we can’t see them with our eyes (because they vibrate too quickly) they are just as real as our physical body.
Modern technologies can now pick up these frequencies and even record them. For example, Kirlian photography, devised in 1939 in U.S.S.R by Senyon Kirlian. The process uses pulsed high voltage frequencies and electron cascades to take pictures of the usually invisible, radiating energy fields that surround us. Quantum physics has shown us that underlying the material world, and permeating through it, is an infinite world of energy and potential, which has been called the “zero point field” or the “quantum vacuum”. Everything emerges out of this vacuum of apparent nothingness. It is sea of potentiality – the matrix for life.
"As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force, which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix.” — Max Planck
It is through our subtle bodies that we connect with this beneficial, ultra-high frequency energy – the life giving force of the universe – and bring it into the physical dimension for expression in our daily lives. It is drawn down (via the Chakras or subtle energy vortices) into the body, nourishing every cell, organ and system. This universal energy is vital to health and psychological wellbeing but blockages and imbalances in our aura and physical body distort and weaken the flow of energy. This means that sooner or later we feel sluggish and out of balance; symptoms begin to appear and we get sick if they are not cleared.
Einstein was well ahead of his time when he stated that you couldn’t solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it. You have to go to a higher level of frequency or consciousness. Life Alignment works at the level of energy, a higher level of frequency, identifying and clearing the way for health to return. This has a profound effect on all levels and especially on the physical level, in the body-mind itself. Life Alignment is a potent means to fine-tune our whole system.
Braden, Gregg, (2006), “The Divine Matrix”. Hay House UK Ltd.
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Dossey, Larry, (2002), “Healing Beyond the Body”, Time Warner.
Dossey, Larry, (2000), “Reinventing Medicine - beyond mind-body to a new era of healing”. Element, Shaftesbury, Dorset.
Lipton, Bruce H. (2008), “The Biology of Belief. Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles”. Hay House, USA”
Lubbock, Philippa, (2010), “Life Alignment. Heal your Life & discover your Soul’s True Purpose”, Watkins Publishing, London.
Lubbock, Philippa, (2017), “The Healing Power of Life Alignment; Realigning Body, Heart & Mind with your Soul’s Purpose”. Watkins Publishing, London.
McTaggart, Lynne, (2003), “The Field – the Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe”. Hay House UK Ltd.
McTaggart, Lynne, (2011), “The Bond – Connecting through the Space between us”. Hay House UK Ltd.
Pert, Candace, (1997) “Molecules of Emotion: The Science behind Mind-Body Medicine”, Scribner, New York.